We Will Be Watching

Official photographic portrait of US President...

Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

President Obama, you won last night’s election by 2,791,867 votes. In a nation of over 314 million, that is hardly a mandate. Don’t you dare think you are in the Oval Office because you won the hearts and minds of the American people. The only reason you got re-elected is because your clever campaign advisers understood the numbers game that is the Electoral College. Remember, nearly half the nation voted against you. Nearly half the nation did not buy into the fictitious “War on Women”, the half-truths, class warfare, race baiting, and outright lies put forth by your campaign machine. Nearly half the nation, did not trust the mainstream media to give us the unbiased facts. Nearly half the nation has no faith or trust in your ability to lead.

Millions of us are capable of understanding that it is possible for man to hold strong values and convictions and live them out in his personal life, yet still be able to govern based on the will of the people and the rule of law.  You exploited the fears of those who couldn’t understand that.

Millions of us understand the basic economic principle that  true prosperity is the result of hard work and wise choices, not the exploitation of the weak.  That wealth is something to aspire to, not envy.  That profits belong to those who earn them and shouldn’t be redistributed to those who didn’t.  You pandered to the ignorant and lazy by promoting a “Robin Hood” mentality.

Millions of us understand that a militarily strong America is the gate way to peace in the world. You disgraced us in the face of our enemies.

And Millions of us understand that a smaller more efficient government, not a larger more intrusive one, is the key to a secure nation, a robust economy and for promoting innovation.  You appealed to those who want the government to take care of them instead of being responsible for themselves.

We were not impressed by your rock star schtick, or the endorsements of celebrities who make their living, imitating the real world rather than living in it.


Those of us who understand  will not stand by and watch our Divinely Inspired Constitutional Rights being stripped away.  You will be held accountable for Benghazi. You will have to accept responsibility , for the continuing high unemployment, for the high fuel and grocery prices, and for the economic misery that your policies will bring. We will expect you to keep your promise of bi-partisanship.  That you understand that you will have to compromise your agenda if you want us to compromise our values. We will be energised and engaged, we will hold our  Congressional Representatives responsible for holding your feet to the fire. We will not lie down and lick our wounds in defeat, we will flood Congress with letters, phone calls and emails, to be sure our voices continue to be heard. We understand your agenda and we will not let it stand.

I hope this post finds its way to you, so you will feel the eyes of nearly half the nation burning on the back of your neck, a constant reminder that not everyone adores you. We will continue to  vet our candidates, and educate ourselves on the issues, we vote, and we are watching.

2 responses

  1. Amen! We will be watching! Very much enjoyed this and this article is very much on the mark for those that don’t lay down and give up! I feel revived!


    1. middleagedhousewife | Reply

      We have truth and righteousness on our side. We may have lost this battle, but we haven’t lost the war.


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