Monthly Archives: September, 2012

Dear Mr. Romney,

Mitt Romney in Council Bluffs

Mitt Romney in Council Bluffs (Photo credit:

The past few weeks you have been getting a lot of criticism for a weak campaign.  In fact I have been one of the critics.  It seems strangely contradictory, because I like and admire your focus on the real issues instead of personal attacks.  Your generosity, and your humility,  your personal practice of leading by example rather than florid speeches, prove you to be a man of sound moral character.  You are just the kind of man this country needs at this critical moment in our history. Even so, though I admire your integrity, at the same time I really, really wish you’d pop Obama right in the chops (verbally of course).

Week after week I have watched the Obama campaign build half-truths and statements taken out of context into outright character assassinations.  I’ve listened to Obama resort to blatant falsehoods about your record and his.  Fabricating an agenda for you, while covering up his own.  Week after week I have watched you take a pacifist stance, absorbing the blows and soldiering on.  Never once calling him out or exposing his bald-faced lies.

I’ve watched your interviews, and listened to stories about how you have helped people. And after listening to the main stream media tell me how out of touch you were with the American people, I was surprised. No, amazed.  I saw a man who is not afraid to roll up his sleeves and get dirty.  A man who prizes his family more than his wealth, who taught his kids personal responsibility leading by example.  A man who looks like he would be as much at home pushing a lawn mower as he would be at a board meeting.  Your wife even buys your shirts at Costco.  You and your family seem so down to earth.  Like the kind of people who would enjoy a backyard barbecue in my humble home, even though you could afford expensive steaks at an upscale restaurant.   In your world view and lifestyle I feel like I have far more in common with you than I do with the people down at the welfare office, though I’m much closer to them financially.  And yet you let the media paint you as cold, aloof and elitist.

I can’t even begin to understand how hard it must be to have your most embarrassing moments and most intimate details laid bare for the world to see, by an unscrupulous opponent who knows how to manipulate the truth and the media to concoct his own version of reality.  Your campaign may lack the taxpayer provided transportation of Air Force One, and the free endorsements provided nightly by the evening news anchors as they gush and fawn over the sitting President, but you do have truth on your side.  A truth that you should be welding like a hammer to victory.

Every day as I hear the poll numbers and the reports showing an ever-increasing lead for Obama, I become even more frustrated.  I know you have the personal integrity, and the business sense to turn this country around, but I’m not the one you have to convince.  I am astounded that so many Americans cannot see that sitting in the Oval Office is a man who is anathema to everything that our Founding Fathers intended for this country.  A man whose not so hidden agenda is to bring this country to its knees and diminish its standing in the world.  Obama’s plan of bailouts, handouts, and wealth redistribution will kill our economy and place us firmly on the path to austerity.  Meanwhile, I lie awake at night fearful of the nation we will become if he gets a chance at four more years.  The nation my children will inherit.

You see Mr. Romney, for me and those like me, this is not just another Presidential election.  It is a battle for our way of life.  It is a historical turning point where this country returns to the “land of opportunity” that our Founding Fathers intended. Or, it is when our country turns down the path of a Soviet style republic.  A place where an ever decreasing congregation of people with integrity struggle and toil for an ever-increasing horde of people dependent on the government for their survival.   Our anxiety is real.  The consequences are real. It is a battle Mr. Romney, that we cannot afford for you to lose.

The Conservative Citizen


Every once in awhile, an article, speech or video comes along that is not only timely, but is so “spot on,” as the Brits say, it makes us say, “Yeah, dammit! Exactly!” The video in this post is one of those “every once in awhiles.”

In the wake of the latest Muslim temper tantrum, British comedian and political commentator Pat Condell’s video hits the despicable Muslim nail square on its disgusting head. Not only are his comments incisive – their message is irrefutable – and foreboding as well. Here’s a sampling:

“Once again, we see thousands of Islamic nutcases take time out from beating their wives to show their sensitive sides – by smashing up the towns they live in – egged on by clerical ignoramuses who motives are even lower than the the literacy level of their followers.”

View original post 448 more words

Four More Years

Blindfolded Forward

Blindfolded Forward (Photo credit: BlueRobot)

Instead of asking ourselves if we are better off today than we were four years ago, maybe we should be asking if we will be better off four years from now? Without the need to woo skittish voters, and appease wealthy donors, President Obama would no longer have to carry on the ruse of upholding The Constitution. He would have the power, through executive order if need be, to continue his war on capitalist prosperity. Even without the blessing of Congress, he would assume the authority to appease our enemies while snubbing our allies. What would four years look like if President Obama is elected to another term?  In the first of a four-part series, I’ll describe the America, Obama’s America, that is yet to come.

Day one.

Though we don’t see the exuberance of four years ago, there is much celebration in the nation today.  Seniors who feared cuts to Social Security and Medicare are now looking forward to the hope of a decent retirement.   People who were previously uninsurable, or had children with catastrophic illnesses, who were already enjoying the benefits of the Affordable Healthcare Act are resting comfortably.  Students who only a year ago, were protesting in the streets, now feel they have a future.

There is caution in the celebrating though, an almost palpable feeling that maybe, just maybe everything isn’t as it seems.  Tentative hope has now been replaced by fear and uncertainty. For many in this country this is not a day to celebrate, it is a day filled with a sense of dread.  The campaign slogans of “Hope and Change”, of “Forward”, of “Believe in America”, have been replaced by a new slogan, “Oh my God what have we done”.

The fifth year:

Obama wastes no time in pushing though his campaign promise of making rich people pay “their fare share”.  At first, the extension of the Bush era tax cuts for the middle class, along with the Fed’s new policy of printing and circulating large sums of money has a small positive effect on the economy.  Middle class wage earners, while not gaining any true increase in wealth, are feeling better about the future so they are starting slowly and cautiously to spend more.

Employment however, has not increased as much as expected.  Small business owners who were waiting on the outcome of the election, before deciding whether to expand or hire, have decided to put it off.  Even with the small increase in consumer spending, they are waiting to see just how much the  Affordable Healthcare Act and the new wealth taxes will cost them.   A few small business owners are eager to utilize the Obama administration’s new programs to reward “insourcing” and “green” business.  The program has little success however, as the program’s stipulations, along with all the government’s restrictions, make it impossible for these businesses to be profitable.

The upper tier rich begin to look for ways to divest their income to avoid paying the new wealth taxes.  Many are placing most of their funds in overseas bank accounts. Wealthy businessmen, concerned about maintaining the profitability of their companies, many of whom would never have considered it before, are moving overseas.  Many wealthy individuals are starting to consider the wisdom of leaving the United States entirely and taking up residence in a foreign country.  A policy that was supposed to generate more revenue for the government has the unexpected result of prolonging the employment crisis.

In spite of another drop in interest rates, the housing market has also remained flat.  As the year progresses, the Fed’s influx of cash has led to inflation.  The increase in the cost of living, coupled with the lack of well-paying jobs has people reluctant to buy a home. What was a slow and cautious economic recovery has now become stagnant.

Obama Care has given many people who worried about the cost of healthcare, a reason to be hopeful.  Adult children can now be carried on their parent’s insurance, and a person can’t be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition.  The trade-off is that now individuals are forced to carry health insurance or pay a penalty tax.  In spite of subsidies, many small business owners cannot afford to cover their employees.  This forced those employees to turn to the state insurance pools.  While low-income people are given a tax incentive to cover the cost of this insurance, many mid level earners do not qualify. This leaves them with an added expense that they did not count on. Just one more item to juggle into an already tight budget.

In spite of continued attacks against American interests in the Middle East, President Obama expands his policy of acceptance and understanding of the Muslim culture. He meets regularly with the heads of radical Islamic groups such as Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.  He maintains his stance that Prime Minister Netanyahu needs to stop the development of settlements on the West Bank. Meanwhile, Iran continues its so-called “peaceful” nuclear program.  Even though this presents a clear danger to one of our most important allies, Obama is reluctant to call for stronger measures against them.  He prefers to rely on the economic sanctions imposed on Iran by the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations, despite their lack of success………

As we see, during Obama’s fifth year in office, the world continues to be a dangerous and unstable place, both economically and culturally. While most Americans may not be worse off, very,very, few can say things are better. In my next post, we will see what it might look like  during his sixth year.

Old Bocephus has done it again.

Mr. Eastwood, You Made My Day

English: Clint Eastwood at the 2008 Cannes Fil...

“I would just like to say something, ladies and gentlemen.
Something that I think is very important. It is that, you, we
We own this country.
We — we own it. It is not you owning it, and not
politicians owning it. Politicians are employees of ours.
And — so — they are just going to come around and beg
for votes every few years. It is the same old deal. But I just
think it is important that you realize , that you’re the best in
the world. Whether you are a Democrat or Republican or whether
you’re libertarian or whatever, you are the best. And we should
not ever forget that. And when somebody does not do the job, we
got to let them go.”

Read more:

Quote by Clint Eastwood at the Republican National Convention, Aug 30, 2012 (Emphasis mine)

This is something that all of those who are elected to an office, from the school boards, to the city councils, to the state legislatures, to the White House need to be reminded of.  You work for us, we the people.  We vote you in or out of office. We pay your salary.  You are beholden to us.  Not the other way around.  Thank you Mr. Eastwood for throwing that out on a national stage.