Why This, Why Now

I admit it. I’m a news junkie. National, local, paper, internet, TV.  I could spend hours watching, reading, researching. The more I learn the more sure I am about one thing. Extremism is the most dangerous threat to our way of life.   Left, Right, Conservative, or Liberal, Republican, or Democrat, Tea Party, or Occupier. We seem to be as divided a nation now as we were in the period leading up to the Civil War. As we, as a people become more polarized, common sense and reason have taken a back seat to emotion, and group hysteria. Many people want change, any change, and others are mired in an inaccurate nostalgia for “the way things used to be”. Thus the need for this blog. I hope to impart some “real life” wisdom born from the experiences of someone who knows what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck, and understands the necessity of making meaningful sacrifices for children, marriage, and country. Here I will speak my mind. I will offend or anger some, but I hope that many more will be inspired and encouraged to make a difference in their corner of the world.

2 responses

  1. charliecountryboy | Reply

    I like your idea and look forward to what you have to say. I think extremism has gained popularity because it was the only way to get noticed. With the expansion of social media I hope people will find it less important to be extereme, as every individual can have a voice?


    1. Thank you for your comments and encouragement. After witnessing how obsessed young people can be with social media I assumed it was part of the problem. You have made me reconsider that position.


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